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How to put together the broken pieces of America: What one Woman suggests regarding our President

I wonder what it will take for Americans to understand what Impeachment is really about?? What I don’t get is how this all started in the first place, really, people of America??
In Acts, chapters 21 through 26, the apostle Paul, is accused of being in the temple and stirring up the crowd while in worship! The chief priests and the teachers of the law and also, the elders of the people, rush to him and begin to beat Paul. 
In the process of beating him, the commander is called to the stand, where the crowd stops beating Paul, after seeing the commander come to rescue him with his troops. The commander than arrests Paul, ordering him to be bound with two chains while asking the crowd who he was and what he had done. Some shouted one thing, some another, The commander is at a lost at this point, but, later, directs the soldiers to stretch Paul out and illegally flog him. This is where Paul, as they start this process of flogging him, asks the centurion who was standing there if it was legal to flog a Roman citizen who had not even been found guilty in the time and age. The commander, surprised at this point, takes Paul into prison and orders the Sanhedrin to assemble in order to find out exactly why he was first arrested and later accused of unknown matters. 
I am not going to tell you the whole story, (read for yourself, please) it’s in Acts 21-26 recommend NIV, but, my point is this: Between my readers and myself, we need to be praying this over our beloved president. 
What will you do to embark onto the journey on which God has called you, yet today?


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