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Showing posts from October, 2019

Watch what you say to people: how to avoid conflict with one another 

The Bible says that what goes into a person’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of a person’s mouth, that is what defiles them. Jesus was serious when he made this declaration of truth. This is what I mean: Matthew 15:11 NIV [11] What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them." So, be careful on what you say to others. It will come back on you, Romans 12:19. Blessings!

I hope you can come to your senses with God's word in mind: How to pray for God's Church

Now the Church is God's Bride, but, we need to pray for her!  I suggest start with the word of God. Owning the bible isn't what prepares you for the battle,   letting the bible own space in your mind and heart is what prepares you for the spiritual battle. So, I pray you will be equipped with God's word in your heart, mind, soul and spirit/lips! Blessings!

What is on our plate tonight may matter tomorrow: How One Country got tangled and almost destroyed

We need to pray for this country and our American culture!!  So, please, pray!! In other news, we need to pray for our neighboring countries in Iran and Israel, as well as Jerusalem. This is URGENT! We can't just sit here and there, we need to do something!  How will Jacob survive is one of the questions found in Scripture, but how can we live out this truth today? How will you live out the truth found in Scripture tonight? Blessings!