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Showing posts from September, 2019

Am I Tatiana Grubb, too late for election seasons? Or can I peek in for just a moment??

This is amazing to me!!  How can such a wise man of God be so thorough in his presidency?  Why would such an American culture go against such a wise person of God? I have been asked this before, but now there lies a more serious answer to the question. People say to avoid things like conversations about religion and politics. But Jesus said it straight, To love your neighbor as yourself. That means have reasonable conversations with people without screaming or yelling at one another.  Boy, oh boy is it a catalyst world this Election Season ? I pray you also know who you are dealing with in the Spirit . Blessings!

What our world needs today is What We need to be as disciples of the Most High

What do you mean by impeachment, people of America?? This is stunning to me! says Tatiana Grubb. What would God say about this? In other news, two biblical responses stun me... What does God say in his Word? Well, Proverbs has a lot to do with kings and rulers: Proverbs 28:2-4. makes sense to our beloved president no matter what social media says or thinks. So, I pray you will take this to heart! Don't buy the lies that they are putting out on the news. Here is another alternative in the news, our president is TRYING to help us Americans become better people.    Just be careful.  Blessings!

How Can this Be? How we can biblically respond to our world's backlashing.

What does our world need right now? There used to be a day when people would pay attention to Christianity and not attention seek. Where has that day gone? I wonder... In other news, I understand about the pro-life, pro-choice abortion agenda as mentioned here.  I pray you don’t attention seek like these people in the office against our president are.  I also pray that helps.  Blessings!